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Fuel attendant docked for allegedly stealing N961,000 two days after employment


Fuel attendant docked for allegedly stealing N961,000 two days after employment

A 21-year-old petrol attendant, Semiu Saheed, was on Thursday docked before an Iyaganku Magistrate’s Court, Ibadan, for allegedly stealing N961,540 belonging to his employer.

Saheed was charged with stealing to which he pleaded not guilty.

The prosecutor, Insp Olalekan Adegbite, told the court that the defendant committed the offence on May 7, at about 2.30p.m, at Omega filling station, Owode, Academy area of Ibadan.

Adegbite said that the defendant, who was employed on May 5, committed the offence on May 7, two days after his engagement.

He claimed that Saheed stole the money belonging to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the filling station, Mr Qudus Jimoh.

He stated that the offence contravened Section 390(9) of the Criminal Law of Oyo State, 2000.

The Magistrate, Mrs Oluwabusayo Osho, granted the defendant bail in the sum of N500, 000 with two sureties in like sum.

Osho stated that one of the sureties must be a blood relation to the defendant.

She adjourned the case until May 27 for hearing.


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