
Indian couple drags son to court for not giving them grandchildren



An Indian couple is suing their son, asking that he and his wife either produce a grandchild within a year or pay about $650,000.

Sanjeev and Sadhana Prasad claim to have spent all of their savings on their pilot son’s education and an extravagant wedding, and they now want him to pay them back by giving them a grandchild.

“My son has been married for six years but they are still not planning a baby. At least if we have a grandchild to spend time with, our pain will become bearable,” the couple said in their petition filed with a court in Haridwar last week.

According to the Times of India, the compensation they are seeking – 50 million rupees — includes the expense of a five-star wedding event, a $80,000 luxury car, and paying for the couple’s honeymoon abroad.

The parents also paid $65,000 to have their son trained as a pilot in the United States, only to have him return to India jobless, according to the newspaper.

“We also had to take a loan to build our house and now we are going through a lot of financial hardships. Mentally too we are quite disturbed because we are living alone,” the couple said in their petition.

Arvind Kumar, the couple’s lawyer, said the case will be heard by a court in northern India on May 17.

India has a robust joint family system, with multiple generations living in the same house, including grandparents, nephews, aunts, and uncles.

However, in recent years, the tendency has shifted, with young couples wanting to relocate away from their parents or siblings, and ladies preferring to work rather than stay at home and have children, as in this example.

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