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Full Text Of President Tinubu’s 2024 New Year Broadcast



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Full Text Of President Tinubu’s 2024 New Year Broadcast

JAN 1, 2024

Dear Compatriots,

It gives me immense joy to welcome each and every one of you – young and old- to this brand new year 2024. We must lift up our hands to Almighty God, in gratitude, for his grace and benevolence to our country and our lives in the year 2023 that has just gone by.

Though the past year was a very challenging one, it was eventful in so many ways. For our country, it was a transition year that saw a peaceful, orderly and successful transfer of power from one administration to another, marking yet another remarkable step in our 24 years of unbroken democracy.

It was a year, you the gracious people of this blessed nation, entrusted your faith in me with a clear mandate to make our country better, to revamp our economy, restore security within our borders, revitalise our floundering industrial sector, boost agricultural production, increase national productivity and set our country on an irreversible path towards national greatness that we and future generations will forever be proud of.

The task of building a better nation and making sure we have a Nigeria society that cares for all her citizens is the reason I ran to become your President. It was the core of my Renewed Hope campaign message on the basis of which you voted me as President.

Everything I have done in office, every decision I have taken and every trip I have undertaken outside the shores of our land, since I assumed office on 29 May 2023, have been done in the best interest of our country.

Over the past seven months of our administration, I have taken some difficult and yet necessary decisions to save our country from fiscal catastrophe. One of those decisions was the removal of fuel subsidy which had become an unsustainable financial burden on our country for more than four decades. Another was the removal of the chokehold of few people on our foreign exchange system that benefited only the rich and the most powerful among us. Without doubt, these two decisions brought some discomfort to individuals, families and businesses.

I am well aware that for some time now the conversations and debates have centred on the rising cost of living, high inflation which is now above 28% and the unacceptable high under-employment rate.

From the boardrooms at Broad Street in Lagos to the main-streets of Kano and Nembe Creeks in Bayelsa, I hear the groans of Nigerians who work hard every day to provide for themselves and their families.

I am not oblivious to the expressed and sometimes unexpressed frustrations of my fellow citizens. I know for a fact that some of our compatriots are even asking if this is how our administration wants to renew their hope.

Dear Compatriots, take this from me: the time may be rough and tough, however, our spirit must remain unbowed because tough times never last. We are made for this period, never to flinch, never to falter. The socio-economic challenges of today should energize and rekindle our love and faith in the promise of Nigeria. Our current circumstances should make us resolve to work better for the good of our beloved nation. Our situation should make us resolve that this new year 2024, each and everyone of us will commit to be better citizens.

Silently, we have worked to free captives from abductors. While we can’t beat our chest yet that we had solved all the security problems, we are working hard to ensure that we all have peace of mind in our homes, places of work and on the roads.

Having laid the groundwork of our economic recovery plans within the last seven months of 2023, we are now poised to accelerate the pace of our service delivery across sectors.

Just this past December during COP28 in Dubai, the German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, and I agreed and committed to a new deal to speed up the delivery of the Siemens Energy power project that will ultimately deliver reliable supply of electricity to our homes and businesses under the Presidential Power Initiative which began in 2018.

Other power installation projects to strengthen the reliability of our transmission lines and optimise the integrity of our National grid are ongoing across the country.

My administration recognises that no meaningful economic transformation can happen without steady electricity supply. In 2024, we are moving a step further in our quest to restart local refining of petroleum products with Port Harcourt Refinery, and the Dangote Refinery which shall fully come on stream.

To ensure constant food supply, security and affordability, we will step up our plan to cultivate 500,000 hectares of farmlands across the country to grow maize, rice, wheat, millet and other staple crops. We launched the dry season farming with 120,000 hectares of land in Jigawa State last November under our National Wheat Development Programme.

In this new year, we will race against time to ensure all the fiscal and tax policies reforms we need to put in place are codified and simplified to ensure the business environment does not destroy value. On every foreign trip I have embarked on, my message to investors and other business people has been the same. Nigeria is ready and open for business.

I will fight every obstacle that impedes business competitiveness in Nigeria and I will not hesitate to remove any clog hindering our path to making Nigeria a destination of choice for local and foreign investments.

In my 2024 Budget presentation to the National Assembly, I listed my administration’s 8 priority areas to include national defence and internal security, job creation, macro-economic stability, investment environment optimization, human capital development, poverty reduction and social security. Because we take our development agenda very seriously, our 2024 budget reflects the premium we placed on achieving our governance objectives.

We will work diligently to make sure every Nigerian feels the impact of their government. The economic aspirations and the material well-being of the poor, the most vulnerable and the working people shall not be neglected. It is in this spirit that we are going to implement a new national living wage for our industrious workers this new year. It is not only good economics to do this, it is also a morally and politically correct thing to do.

I took an oath to serve this country and give my best at all times. Like I said in the past, no excuse for poor performance from any of my appointees will be good enough.

It is the reason I put in place a Policy Coordination, Evaluation, Monitoring and Delivery Unit in the Presidency to make sure that governance output improves the living condition of our people.

We have set the parameters for evaluation. Within the first quarter of this new year, Ministers and Heads of Agencies with a future in this administration that I lead will continue to show themselves.

Fellow Nigerians, my major ambition in government as a Senator in the aborted Third Republic, as Governor of Lagos State for eight years and now as the President of this blessed country is to build a fair and equitable society and close the widening inequality. While I believe the rich should enjoy their legitimately-earned wealth, our minimum bargain must be that, any Nigerian that works hard and diligent enough will have a chance to get ahead in life. I must add that because God didn’t create us with equal talents and strengths, I can not guarantee that we will have equal outcomes when we work hard. But my government, in this new year 2024 and beyond, will work to give every Nigerian equal opportunity to strive and to thrive.

For the new year to yield all its good benefits to us as individuals and collectively as a people we must be prepared to play our part. The job of building a prosperous nation is not the job of the President, Governors, Ministers, Lawmakers and government officials alone. Our destinies are connected as members of this household of Nigeria. Our language, creed, ethnicity and religious beliefs even when they are not same should never make us work at cross purposes.

In this new year, let us resolve that as joint-heirs to the Nigerian Commonwealth, we will work for the peace, progress and stability of our country. I extend this call to my political opponents in the last election. Election is over. It’s time for all of us to work together for the sake of our country.

We must let the light each of us carries – men and women, young and old – shine bright and brighter to illuminate our path to a glorious dawn.

I wish all of us a happy and prosperous year 2024.

May God continue to bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Bola Ahmed Tinubu, GCFR
1 January 2024

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Nigerian govt restates commitment to sustainable urban development



Nigerian govt restates commitment to sustainable urban development

The Minister of Housing and Urban Development, Ahmed Dangiwa, says the Federal Government is implementing several initiatives toward achieving inclusive and integrated urban development.

Dangiwa stated this in his address at the 2024 Conference of Directors and Heads of Town Planning Organisations in Nigeria on Tuesday in Akure.

The minster said one of the foremost efforts was the comprehensive review of the 2012 National Urban Development Policy, which was ready for approval by the Federal Executive Council (FEC).

Dangiwa also said the ministry was actively involved in the implementation of transformational physical programmes targeted at promoting sustainable settlements growth and development across Nigeria.

He said the ministry had made substantial progress in increasing the stock of affordable and decent housing stock for Nigerians with the ground-breaking of 6,612 housing units across 13 locations nationwide.

According to him, the programme is under the ministry’s Renewed Hope Cities and Estates Programme.

”The programme includes; 3,112 housing unit Renewed Hope City in Karsana Abuja, under Public Private Partnership (PPP).

“Twelve other locations are being funded under the 2023 Supplementary Budget and they include the 500 Renewed Hope City in Kano and 250 Renewed Hope Estates in Katsina.

”Other’s are in Yobe, Gombe, Sokoto, Ebonyi, Abia, Akwa Ibom, Delta, Benue, Nasarawa, Osun and Oyo,” he said.

Dangiwa said the cities would be designed and managed in a way that fosters integration, sustainability and inclusivity.

“As we navigate the challenges and opportunities of urbanisation, let us commit to building cities that work for all Nigerians – cities that are resilient, productive and sustainable.

“Once more, I challenge you all to participate actively and maximise the benefits accruable from discussions at this meeting. I look forward to receiving your decisions and conclusions,” he said.

Speaking, Governor Lucky Aiyedatiwa of Ondo State, urged the Directors and Heads of Town Planning Organisations to build a system of accountability that would seamlessly see to the running of the activities of the country.

Aiyedatiwa, represented by the Commissioner for Urban and Regional Planning, Mr Gbenga Olaniyi, said effective physical planning was a tool to control flooding.

This, he said, would enhance the projections on global warming and spatial land use management in Nigeria.

“We need to remedy many of our spatial challenges, such as land management and resource handling, without which no development can be attained.

“Integrating this for equitable sustainability calls for all hands to be on deck at the accurate application of land planning tools and spatial land use.

”This will give us the pathway to sustainable planning development in Nigeria,” he said.

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Youth leaders laud Tinubu on proposed youth conference



Tinubu commiserates with Rashidi Ladoja over wife’s death

The Forum of National Youth Leaders of all Political Parties in Nigeria (FNYLPPN) has commended President Bola Tinubu over the proposed National Youth Conference.

The Chairman of FNYLPPN, Mr Eze Chukwu, gave the commendation in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria on Friday in Abuja.

According to Chukwu, this is the first time in the history of Nigeria to have a National conference by the Federal Government geared towards the affairs of Nigerian youths.

“To this end, we welcome this development with joy and enthusiasm that this government doesn’t just want to hear the youths but are ready to know and respond to their needs.

“We commend the president and genuinely urge his Excellency to continue in this path.

“The majority of the problems of Nigeria will be solved if the needs of the Nigerian youths who make up to 70 per cent of our country’s population are met.

“We are optimistic that with this strategic move by the Federal Government of Nigeria to host the first ever national youth confab the ever-needed opportunity to be heard by our own government will come through,’’ he said.

He said as forum, the youths were open to partnering the Federal Government to achieve the aims behind the conference.

“We, however, warn that the modus of nomination of participants should not be left for politicians.

“Slots but should be open enough for Nigerian youths to know that they’re truly being represented by their own leaders,” Chukwu said.

He also said any plan to play politics with the selection of participants would negate the essence and suggested that it should be all inclusive and open to all regions and religions of the country.

Chukwu said an inclusive approach to the conference would give Nigerian youths a true representation at the conference.

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Gen. Musa Calls for Multi-Faceted Approach to Sahel Insecurity



The Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), Gen. Christopher Musa, has emphasized that a multi-dimensional strategy, beyond military intervention, is essential to addressing the insecurity plaguing the Sahel region.

Speaking at the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) Inaugural Annual International Lecture in Abuja, Musa highlighted the growing instability in the Sahel, describing it as a significant threat to Nigeria due to the nation’s strategic role in the region.

“Insecurity did not emerge in a vacuum,” he stated, attributing its rise to a combination of local and global factors such as poor governance, economic marginalization, climate change, and ethnic tensions. He also pointed to the collapse of the Libyan state in 2011, which led to an influx of weapons and fighters, further fueling the rise of insurgent groups.

Musa noted that the insurgency in Nigeria’s North East, led by Boko Haram since 2009, has stretched military resources, displaced millions, and hindered economic development. He warned that the porous borders between Nigeria and Sahelian countries enable transnational criminal activities, including arms smuggling and human trafficking.

“Nigeria, as a critical player in the region, has borne a significant share of the fallout from this instability,” he said.

The CDS urged all stakeholders—government, civil society, international partners, and the private sector—to collaborate in addressing these challenges. “Let us always remember that Nigeria’s security and that of the entire Sahel region depend on our ability to find lasting solutions that promote peace, stability, and prosperity for all,” Musa concluded.

The lecture, themed “Insecurity in the Sahel (2008-2024): Dissecting Nigeria’s Challenges – Genesis, Impacts, and Options,” was organized by NAN as part of efforts to address the region’s security concerns.

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