
Cleric cautions Muslims against imitating western styles of marriage



Cleric cautions Muslims against imitating western styles of marriage

The Chief Imam of Area 10 Garki Abuja Mosque, Yahya Al-Yolawi has cautioned Muslims against imitating western styles of marriage and other ceremonies that were not acceptable in Islam.

The cleric made the call while delivering his Juma’ay sermon titled: ‘ Innovations in Islamic Marriage,” held on Friday in Abuja.

He stated that Islam was very clear on activities that were lawful and forbidden, adding that innovation in Islam was the creation or addition of any religious matter.

Al-Yolawi said that such additions were not originally found in Islam or from the teachings of Prophet Muhammad ( peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and his companions.

The cleric said that innovations in marriage referred to those un-Islamic activities, unlawful things, western styles, bad cultures and traditions that were attached to marriages in recent days.

“Most of what we are imitating today are gradually doing away with Islamic teachings, discouraging those intending to marry and eventually promoting hardship, immoralities and adultery among the Muslim community.

“This societal problem needs to be addressed by the youth themselves, parents, royal fathers, religious leaders and other concerned agencies.

“We need to educate ourselves on the true Islamic teachings in marriage to ease things for our people, starting from the process of getting married on the wedding day, and what follows after that.

“Allah says and cooperates in righteousness and piety, but do not cooperate in sin and aggression. And fear Allah; indeed, Allah is severe in penalty,” he added.

The cleric listed some of the innovations in marriage to include; unnecessary delay of marriage in both young men and ladies in the name of colleges and university studies, waiting for a ready-made husband or wife, reckless spending and display of class and status.

“It is a misconception to think that one’s respect will be lost if one does not hold an extravagant wedding and invite many people. We spend thousands or even millions of naira and dollars to impress people,” he added.

Al-Yolawi said that organising dinners, mother’s nights, tea parties and going to nightclubs where men and women would gather together during weddings were acts of inviting Allah’s anger.

The cleric added:  “Mixing between opposite sexes will take place, singing and dancing wearing wedding gowns and other highest attractive dresses sometimes almost naked.

“These usually happen after the wedding Fatiha has taken place in the mosques. These are acts of sin which lead to so many evil acts and are totally against Shariah.” ((NAN)

Cleric cautions Muslims against imitating western styles of marriage

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