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Buhari, Babangida and others mourn renowned journalist, Duro Onabule


Former Military President, Gen. Ibrahim Babangida (rtd), has expressed sadness over the death of his former Chief Press Secretary, Duro Onabule.

This was contained in a condolence message he signed in Minna, yesterday. He said: “I received with profound sorrow news of the death of my dear friend, adviser and elder brother, Chief Duro Onabule, who passed away yesterday, at the age of 83.

“It is a sad irony that Chief Onabule, who was usually among the first to celebrate my birthday, died on the eve of my anniversary, and his passing will no doubt cast a long shadow over the festivities.

“For eight years, this highly accomplished journalist and man of letters stood by me as we tried to re-engineer this country.

“His intelligence, patriotism and absolute fidelity to the unity of this nation shone through, becoming a big part of the successes we managed to achieve at the time.”

Also, President Muhammadu Buhari commiserated with the family of the late Onabule. He also condoled with the Nigerian Union of Journalists and Nigerian Guild of Editors over the sad loss.

The President noted the contributions of the respected journalist to the development of Nigeria, especially his role in stimulating robust debates with insightful articles while working as Editor of National Concord and Chairman, Board of Directors of Nigerian Television Authority (NTA).

He prayed that God would receive the soul of the departed and comfort his family.

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