Troops foil attack on Kaduna community

The Kaduna State Government says troops of ‘Operation Safe Haven’, OPSH, have foiled an attack on Gidan Zaki town in Zangon Kataf Local Government Area of the state.

The Commissioner for Internal Security and Home Affairs, Samuel Aruwan, who made the disclosure in a statement issued in Kaduna on Sunday, said some bandits planned the attack.

Aruwan said but for the prompt action of the troops who were stationed in the Southern Kaduna general area, the attack would have led to loss of lives.

Referring to a report, he said the bandits invaded farmlands in the village, and destroyed crops, using cutlasses.

“The bandits went on to vandalize the home of a resident of the village.

“They also damaged a nearby vehicle, before storming a telephone charging shop belonging to another person, carting away telephones and chargers,” he said.

According to him, the swift response of the troops compelled the bandits to retreat in disarray.

“One resident of the village was injured by a bullet during sporadic shooting by the bandits.

“She was evacuated to a nearby medical facility for treatment”, he added.

The Commissioner said Governor Nasir El-Rufai noted the reports with sadness, while thanking the troops for their prompt response which halted the attack and prevented its escalation.

Aruwan said investigations into the incident were in progress.

Kaduna State Police Command’s Public Relations Officer, Mohammed Jalige, confirmed the incident to our correspondent

He said it happened at about 3am on Sunday.


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